I AM Disappoint
Oh, please. Being interested in a band that is different from what you *think* is normal isn't something to be disappointed about. The Jonas Brothers, maybe, but not TH.Gawd, you people...
HAHA _|_
the right dude is mr.dissapoint when he was a child
Could be worse, could be Nickelback.
"giving Germany a bad name it didn't deserve" Except the whole Holocaust thingy and shit.
Dude , Tokio hotel is not gay . They are just trying to make a living . What if it was your band? Would you liked to be called gay , or faggots? Well , You all have no right to call them something they aren't .
Oh, please. Being interested in a band that is different from what you *think* is normal isn't something to be disappointed about. The Jonas Brothers, maybe, but not TH.Gawd, you people...